New Haven Truck & Trailer Repair​

4603 East Washington Blvd
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46803
Call us: (260) 748-4200

Hard at work

Working on a Cummins N14

Truck Repair

Hard at work

ce repair shop and offer after hours emergency road side repair. We specialize in new and used tires and tire repair. We repair most trucks, trailers, moWelcome to New Haven Truck and Trailer. We are a small family owned repair facility in New Haven Indiana. Conveniently located in New Haven Indiana at Exit 19A off of US-30 East and I-469. tor homes, construction or farm equipment. Gas or diesel, we don't care! ​
Opening Hours:
​​MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM​N
(260) 748-4200
4603 East Washington Blvd
Fort Wayne, IN 46803
Fax: (260) 422-7402
After Hours Mobile
Service Available ​
​(260) 433-5379
About Us
We are a full service Truck and Trailer Repair facility. We offer after hours emergency road side repair and stock new, recap and used tires. We repair most trucks, trailers, motor homes, construction or farm equipment.
Our Services
​- Computer Diagnostics
- Injector & Fuel issues
​- Turbo's & CAC
- Air Compressors & Dryers
- Starters & Alternators
- Water Pumps & Radiators
- Suspension & Drive Line
- Mufflers & Exhaust Systems
- Brakes & Drums
- DOT Inspectrions